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Update on the extension building
We laid the foundation stone for our extension in 2021. Originally, we wanted to be finished in 2022, but now it's 2024 and construction is still underway. What has happened?
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connect 2024 - a look back
connect 2024 is over and we can only say one thing: it was amazing! Three days that will definitely be remembered!
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Interview with Rocco Deutschmann in the HANSER automotive
As visionaries, we continue to drive innovation in test automation. How? The trade magazine HANSER automotive asked this question and our CEO Rocco Deutschmann answered. In an interview, he provides insights into the development of tracetronic, our vision and describes how tracetronic is tackling the current challenges of automotive software.
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An open election of new agile leaders
We elected our new agile managers at tracetronic in an open election. You can read about what was important to us and what we learned in the process here.
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ecu.test 2024.1

We are happy to announce the new version 2024.1 of our test automation tool ecu.test! A summary of the highlights can be found on the release news page.

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ecu.test meets XCP - for best ECU performance

A new extension for ecu.test is now available. It allows access to measurement and calibration quantities of ECU functions without external tools – ecu.test calibration.

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tracetronic turns 20 and we're already celebrating!

In 2024 we will be 20 years old, it's crazy. We're celebrating - for the whole next year! And because Christmas is coming soon, we're starting now and giving ourselves a new corporate design for our birthday.

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scenario.architect Release 2023.3

Create typical scenarios for any traffic situation? It's easy with scenario.architect. With the user-friendly scenario editor, typical or even safety-critical traffic situations can be developed according to specific requirements and adapted iteratively. A new release is now available for this tool.

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Easily manage test executions with playbooks

Playbooks belong to like test case packages to ecu.test. How to work with playbooks and how to distribute them to executable test tasks, we will show you in our latest video.

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Highly automated test execution with

Starting software tests manually? That was once. With, you can execute all open test tasks in the correct order on the correct test resource automatically – even in a continuous loop.

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From 0 to 100 - our booth becomes interactive

Many times a year, we are on the road at recruiting fairs. Since this April, we can no longer just tell you how versatile our tools are - we can also show it: with our ecu.test Playstation demonstration.

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The results of the Stellantis Hackathon are in: We are ready for the cloud!

In the beginning of March, we participated in the Stellantis and Amazon Web Service (AWS) Hackathon in Rüsselsheim, Germany and proved that we are capable on every level!

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Artifact synchronization with

With the artifact management we are currently building a central depository where all software and software artifacts can be managed in separate depositories.

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