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Our training offer
Even the best software is useless, if we do not enable our users to work with it properly
In our training courses, you will learn how to seamlessly integrate ecu.test, trace.check or test.guide into your projects. You get to choose the time, content, language (German or English) and location: either via the training calendar or you can arrange another date with us, even online.

ecu.test training (basic)

Target group: function developers and testers

In this training course we explain the basics of test automation with the test automation tool ecu.test. You will learn how test cases can be created quickly and efficiently using a systematic approach. We will also show you how to precisely extend test cases using simple signal analysis.

  • Introduction to the test automation tool ecu.test with focus on the software development process in the automotive environment
  • Numerous exercises on the following topics:
    • Understanding, creating and applying configurations
    • Implementing and executing test cases
    • Reading test case results and extending test cases
    • Implementing test cases and signal analyses on the basis of a given test specification
    • Modularizing, parameterizing and implementing test cases in a reusable way
    • Automated recording and evaluation of measurement data


09:00 am - 05:00 pm
Duration: 1 day
Costs: 815 € per person plus VAT
09:00 am - 05:00 pm
Duration: 1 day
Costs: 815 € per person plus VAT
online training
11/05 - 11/06/2024
08:30 am - 12:00 pm
Duration: 2 days
Costs: 755 € per person plus VAT

ecu.test training (advanced)

Target group: Function developers and testers (basic knowledge in handling ecu.test is required)

In the advanced training course for the test automation tool ecu.test, we focus on the execution of test cases in various test environments. We will also show you how you can easily adapt test cases to the test object and test station variants.

  • Variant handling and reusability
    • Adapting test cases for varying test environments and varying test objects (parameters vs. constants)
    • Adapting signal accesses (signal mapping concept)
  • Teamwork
    • Workspace concept
    • Test case libraries
    • Signal analysis libraries
  • Signal analysis with trace.check
    • Optimizing the time range to be analyzed
    • Filtering interesting sections from long signal recordings
    • Calculation of complex signals
    • Creation of complex signal analyses based on a given test specification
    • Evaluation of easily captured plots and results


09:00 am - 05:00 pm
Duration: 1 day
Costs: 815 € per person plus VAT
09:00 am - 05:00 pm
Duration: 1 day
Costs: 815 € per person plus VAT
online training
11/12 - 11/13/2024
08:30 am - 12:00 pm
Duration: 2 days
Costs: 755 € per person plus VAT

test.guide training

Target group: Test managers, project managers, testers and function developers

In this training course we explain the web-based database application test.guide. We will familiarize you with the various functions and mechanisms in test.guide using several real examples from the automotive environment and train you with the help of numerous exercises.

  • Introduction to test.guide with a focus on test management using real everyday examples
  • Uploading test results from various sources to test.guide
  • Managing, viewing and analyzing results with filter options
  • Identifying trends in the results, carrying out reviews and creating defect tickets directly from test.guide
  • Defining/importing test scopes and displaying test progress automatically
  • Fully automated collection of information for the software release documents and exporting as PDF, Excel or to test management tools
  • Connecting, monitoring and observing the test stations (infrastructure management)
  • Automatic distribution of test jobs to available test stations


online training
07/23 - 07/24/2024
08:30 am - 12:00 pm
Duration: 2 days
Costs: 755 € per person plus VAT
09:00 am - 05:00 pm
Duration: 1 day
Costs: 815 € per person plus VAT
09:00 am - 05:00 pm
Duration: 1 day
Costs: 815 € per person plus VAT
online training
11/26 - 11/27/2024
08:30 am - 12:00 pm
Duration: 2 days
Costs: 755 € per person plus VAT

Want to make it more individual?

Let's talk about an individual workshop. You can freely choose the location, date and content.

Our trainers

All our trainers have extensive operating experience, as they work "full-time" on the product. In order to present complex knowledge in the simplest way possible, they have all attended a Train-the-Trainer seminar and are happy to share their expert knowledge with you.


You can find more information about our training courses in the training overview (PDF) and in the training terms and conditions (PDF). To register, please use our training registration form (PDF) and send it to sales@tracetronic.com.