Release News

ecu.test 2024.2

Chinese as additional GUI language

In addition to German and English, Chinese is now also available as a GUI language for ecu.test.

Project report

The design of the project report has been significantly revised to improve stability and performance.

ecu.test calibration

Measuring and calibrating is possible with
ecu.test calibration now also in combination with CAN(-FD).

trace.check 2024.2

Line numbers in the trace analysis

Line numbers have been integrated into both the editor and the test report to provide a better overview of the trace analysis.

Subsequent import of video files

In trace.xplorer, video files in the formats MP4, MKV, AVI and ASF can be subsequently imported into an existing ASTRACE document.

Clean up ASTRACE documents

In trace.xplorer, new documents containing only selected signal data can be created from existing ASTRACE documents. 2024 Q2

Playbook management in folders

Playbooks can now be organized hierarchically into folders.

Automatic data archiving via

With the Report Management REST API, data can be archived by exporting it and deleting it after successful export.

Providing files as links

In the artifact management, files can now also be published as links.