connect 2024 - a look back

connect 2024 is over and we can only say one thing: It was amazing! Three days that will definitely be remembered!

The highlights: From in-depth workshops to inspiring talks and a panel discussion - the program was varied and provided plenty of inspiration. Our internal speakers and the invited experts (a big thank you also to Mirko Seifert from DevBoost) provided a wide range of topics and perspectives. The exciting panel discussion about complexity on Thursday afternoon was definitely a highlight for everyone. But we will also remember the keynote speeches by Dr. Martin Reimer (BMW Group), Moritz Stockmeier (Mercedes-AMG GmbH), Christian Eckert (Volkswagen Group) with Benjamin Aschoff and Rocco Deutschmann for a long time to come. Thank you for being there!

The exchange: Over 460 colleagues from the tracetronic Group and many inspiring guests came together to learn from each other, shape the corporate culture together and network. Whether in the lecture rooms, during the breaks or in the evening - the exchange was intense and the creative ideas were flowing. Christian Eckert from the Volkswagen Group summarized it aptly on LinkedIn: "Conclusion: great people, great event, super informative, mega networking."

The conclusion: Even though we were reluctant to say goodbye, we are still looking forward to connect 2025. Until then, we will take many valuable insights and memories back to our everyday work. A big thank you to everyone who was there and made connect an unforgettable experience. Let's take the energy, the new ideas and the team spirit with us into the next projects!